Level 2 Ultrasound and Who Need It
dr. harshas Ultrasound centre in Gurgaon October 12, 2019 10:09 am

Level 2 Ultrasound and Who Need It

What Level Two Ultrasound checks during pregnancy

To get the images of a baby from his head to toe and to take the pictures of those small organs of a baby inside the womb are being checked by Level Two Ultrasound during pregnancy.

This technique also checks the number of fingers, the length of arms, the radius of the bones, structure of brain, heart, and kidneys. To examine the umbilical cord which contains two arteries and a vein which is considered as a normal structure of umbilical cord.

Review and research on factors of umbilical cord like its length and amniotic fluid level are also measured through this technique.

Other factors which get evaluated are defects in the heart, trisomy 13, trisomy 18 and Down’s syndrome etc.

Again, I must say at this point a couple and their family needs to be very careful and should focus on being healthy.

dr. harshas Ultrasound centre in Gurgaon October 12, 2019 10:09 am