Color Doppler Ultrasound in Gurgaon
dr. harshas Ultrasound centre in Gurgaon October 12, 2019 10:14 am

Color Doppler Ultrasound in Gurgaon

This technique will help a doctor calculate the growth of a baby at every stage.

When a doctor performs Color Doppler ultrasound for extra care of your baby it tells some important information about a woman’s pregnancy condition like –

1) Number of the baby that woman is carrying in the womb

2) The growth rate of the baby is it as per the prescribed cycle or not and if it is not then what treatment that lady is in need of.

3) When there is a confined flow of blood towards the fetus which can give rise to –

Underweight or low weight of the baby then what is needed
Development is not as per the given cycle
Size of the baby is not growing as mentioned according to the stages

4) To check the risk of stroke

5) It also shows the condition which is affected by the history of the woman with respect to miscarriage

6) If the baby shows less activity or movement from the womb

7) Any other medical condition with which the woman is suffering like blood pressure or like diabetes etc

8) If a woman needs extra attention during pregnancy then that is the first condition when a woman needs color doppler ultrasound.

dr. harshas Ultrasound centre in Gurgaon October 12, 2019 10:14 am